This Garden is a love letter to the fallen comrade of the Magic Lantern; the slide. In the thick of a digital era, in a land of discarded materials, slides are slowly transforming into jpegs and bits of information no longer requiring the physical presence of aluminum and plastic framed Kodachrome film to dance across a screen. Magic Ruins are a series of simple box frames clad in hundreds of discarded slides woven into a fabric. With the ebb and fl ow of sun light projecting onto and through this fabric, the slides once again are brought to life as their images are projected on top of the ground surface and visitors simultaneously and continuously.
Magic Ruins is ephemeral, ever changing with the light of day and the changing of the seasons. Its colorful structured textures are the foundation for the growth of an expanding and retracting landscape of projected art, science, history, politics....
Like the fallen ruins of past cultures, given time, the structures return to nature; a lattice for vines and greenery to crawl up and through.