Sound Garden + Pop-Up Sound Garden envision the power of the garden as a space, which amplifies our rights as citizens of the world to exchange words freely. Where the garden traditionally has offered individuals the opportunity to experiment with physical, artistic expressions, this garden allows for one to experiment with audial gestures to create landscapes of changing dialogue. Creating space with the invisible, this project not only plays with material and construction methodology, but taps into sensorial experiences and imagination.
Clusters of individual conical light-weight steel structures clad in an impermeable, sound reflective membrane, each constellation grows and multiplies as desired. Reconfigurable on site, from one to three structures, orientation and relationships between clusters works with the unpredictable variables within each given location, allowing for flexibility and assurance of appropriate egress and clearances. Properly weighed down with ballasts, each cluster securely situates itself as a free standing structure to the site.
A landscape of funneled din, Pop-Up Sound Garden provides a temporary platform for human expression to be defused and infused into and throughout its surrounding context in a moment’s notice. Inverting the idea of garden as a grounded, quiet and peaceful landscape of multi-color fusion, with a boisterous and loud energy housed amidst a symphony of white, the Garden’s undulating structure of conical units are mirrored by waves of voices and sounds that are amplified from inside to out and outside to in. The intention of this Garden is to create a space and place, which encourages people of all ages to enjoy and interact with, both visually and physically, while creating a new tool for communication.
Come to the Garden to share your thoughts with others.
Come to the Garden to listen.